George Mason Memorial |
Wendy M. Ross Ross Sculpture Studio LLC
East Coast Location:
6611 Landon Lane
Bethesda, MD 20817
West Coast Location:
1445 SW Tintinnabulary
Depoe Bay, Oregon 97341
(301) 320-4020
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Ross working on her full scale clay model of George Mason

George Mason National Memorial
Wendy M. Ross is an internationally known portrait sculptor with bronzes in the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Capitol. In 1999, she was selected to design and create the sculpture for the George Mason National Memorial. The original Memorial plans had contemplated simply a round bas-relief, but Ross proposed a full figure representation. The formal dedication took place on April 9, 2002.
The site, a serene 100,000 square foot garden setting, was designed by Rhodeside & Harwell, landscape architects, and is located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. between the Jefferson and FDR Memorials adjacent to the Tidal Basin.
Click here for location/map of Memorial:

